Clicker Games

Clicker Games are endurance games with a simple click mechanic at their core. Every time you click, a counter goes up by one. They go well with Minecraft or RPG style games. With each click you create money to buy new and top upgrades. Keep going and going, and before long you can spend your money on tools to make clicking more efficient. Online idle clicker games are fun in that they even earn you new clicks when you go offline. These free games are fun and easy to get into.

Start with GrindCraft, an online Minecraft clicker game where everything is presented in 2D. Get ready for some hard and really rough work. Your job is to cut down tinder and mine other useful stuff as you manage your resources to craft new items. Or how about one of the funny Poop Clicker episodes, which is just another silly clicking game like Pizza Pusher. Move your mouse over the little brown pile and get as many hits as you can. You can buy useful upgrades after getting the certain amount of clicks. Level up and make the turd look good in Poop Clicker.

Upgrades not only let you generate more income with each click, some even generate clicks for you. Eventually you can just let these online games run idle, and still advance. You will find only the best clicker games here at reward. They will reward your tenacity with bigger and more impressive successes. Soon enough you will be dealing trillions, quadrillions, quintillions and even more zeros in a single working day, than you ever thought possible! Watch your new investments pay off, and keep tapping that mouse button to make more of everything. Much fun!

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Playable with installed SuperNova Player.



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