Delete One Part is a funny and creative puzzle game where your goal is to carefully remove one specific part from various objects to solve the level. Each level presents you with a different scene or scenario, and it's up to you to figure out which part to remove to progress.
This online drawing game features a wide range of objects, from everyday items to intricate structures, and each level presents a different challenge. You'll need to observe the scene, think critically, and use your problem-solving skills to identify the unnecessary part and remove it without causing any disruptions or accidents.
With its simple controls and engaging gameplay, Delete One Part by SilverGames offers a satisfying experience for puzzle enthusiasts. The levels gradually increase in difficulty, requiring you to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to progress. As you advance through the game, you'll unlock new chapters and encounter more complex puzzles.
Delete One Part provides a refreshing and thought-provoking experience that will keep you entertained and challenged. Put your logical thinking to the test and enjoy the satisfying feeling of finding the right part to remove in Delete One Part. Play the game now online on and embark on an exciting journey of puzzle-solving and creativity!
Controls: Touch / Mouse